Category: My Children

Emily at 29

Every year I scramble to think of something “new” to write to you on your birthday, but in reality I just reword the same thing every time – I love you and I want the best for you. So, here I go again… Every day since you were given by the Lord to me and…

By Mirm September 3, 2021 1

Clay at 25

Some things don’t seem possible. Today is one of them! Why? Because it is hard to believe you are already a quarter of a century! Your dad would have been so proud of the man you have become. When Emily turned 25 I gave her a 25 pun salute! Here is the Clay version for…

By Mirm March 4, 2021 0

31 Flavors of Connor

How is it possible that you have hit your thirties and have been my son-in-love for 6 years?! I am blessed to have you in our family and I want to wish you a happy birthday! This has been a rough year. I am so sorry for all the pain and struggle you have had,…

By Mirm March 2, 2021 0

My Beautiful Daughter

Dear Em, This has been a weird season but the best part for me has been the few months we have been under the same roof again. I am sorry, not sorry, for the turn of events that left you jobless and homeless. I am sorry you both have gone through so much trauma and…

By Mirm September 3, 2020 2

Father’s Day 2020

I think about the Amy Grant song written many years before we were parents and how Jim shared that he hoped one day, when he became a parent, that the words would be true of him as he reflected Jesus. Eyes that find the good in things, When good is not around; Eyes that find…

By Mirm June 21, 2020 0

5 Years

Happy 5th Anniversary Osborns! It is startling to wake up and realize that it has already been 5 years since your wedding day!  Is married life what you expected? Do you remember being single? Does it feel like 5 years? 5 years is the anniversary of wood – whatever that means! So I will start…

By Mirm April 11, 2020 0

24 is Pure Gold!

Today, Clay, you are 24 years old. Kobe’s number! How is this possible?!  You are the same age your dad was when I married him. He seemed older than you feel to me. Perspective is interesting isn’t it?! I wonder at what I can say to you today that would be even be close to…

By Mirm March 4, 2020 0

30 is the Next decade!

XXX is a turkey in bowling. It is the number of days in most months. It is the age that Jesus started his public ministry. Abraham Lincoln said that a man should not make any serious decisions until he is 30. Well, Connor, it is too late for that philosophy, since you have already chosen…

By Mirm March 2, 2020 0