A Month of Giving Thanks
These are my daily facebook posts. I am posting them here since some of you do not have facebook.
November 2012 A Month of Giving Thanks!
1. A month of giving thanks – I am thankful for my job! …and the team I work with! For Starters: Scott Belon, Joel Elwood, Michael Callahan, Allison White, Jon Carpenter, Steven Rossi, Brendan White, Josh Coya, Guy Blatt, Kelsey Rowland!
2. A month of giving thanks Day 2 I am grateful for my parents and their lives of faith
3. A month of giving thanks….day 3 I am thankful for Biola, my alma mater, for the education, the lifelong friendships, and the husband I got there!
4. A Month of Giving Thanks… Day 4. Today I am thankful for Church; specifically the 6 local expressions I have been blessed to call home. First Baptist of Woodland Hills, Harbor Trinity, Downey 1st Baptist, FBCScottsdale, Christ Church IL, and FEFC Fullerton. Through these I found faith, family, purpose, fellowship, and so much more. I am who I am because of them.
5. A month of Giving Thanks: Day 5. I am grateful for the love and support for our family & the friends who have held on to us and held us up as we have walked this dark path of grief the past 2 years. Jim went home 2 years ago today – I am so blessed by your care.
6. A Month of Giving Thanks“ Election Day. I am so thankful I can call myself an American and have the freedoms I have because I am a citizen of this country.
7.A Month of Thanks“ day 7. Today I am thankful for my son’s friends. I am so blessed with how they take care of each other and bring out the best in each other. Clayton’s people rock!
8. A Month of Giving Thanks – I am grateful for my husband Jim and the years we had together & for the ways that he changed me for the better~ Today would have been his 57th birthday. In honor of his memory let’s tell a joke, spread a little magic, encourage and bless others, sing praise!
9.A Month of giving thanks – I am so thankful for Emily Mohler. I am so honored to be the mother of this amazingly talented, beautiful, and quirky girl who decides everyday to use her life and tender heart for God!
10. A month of giving thanks! Today I am thankful for Clayton Mohler. He is so talented, a great soccer player, and I see so much off his dad in his heart! I am so blessed to call him Son!!
11. A month of Giving Thanks – I am thankful for my friends. I am so blessed when I think of the great treasure I have in those who know all about me and love me anyway and continue to bring out the best in me. It is no small thing – thank you!
12. A month of giving thanks – I am glad for my senses -that I can see, hear, walk and talk, as well as common, humor, make, non, inno-, security …in a sense! (But not the Biblical one!) Ok – that is enough before this makes no sense!
13. A month of giving thanks – I am grateful for a place called home.
14.A month of giving thanks – I am so thankful for technology. And I am just gonna say the DVR, the kindle and the Ipod are amazing inventions. I could go on but I don’t need to!
15. A month of giving thanks – policemen, firemen, indoor plumbing with hot water, electricity, paved roads, heat and air, refrigeration – these are a few of the things I often take for granted but am so thankful for. I am soooo grateful for Laura Ingalls Wilder who really captured what life was like without them.
16. A month of giving thanks“ Day 16. I am thankful for “do-overs” and grace. How cool is it that His mercies are new every morning?!
17. A month of Giving Thanks“ Day 17. I am so thankful for Disneyland, having a pass and living close enough to use it. (I waited until day 17! :))
18. A month of Giving Thanks Day 18.I am grateful for the brothers and sisters God gave me and then doubled it by giving them such amazing spouses; and then doubled it again when I married Jim! I love you Martha and Chris, Jonathan & Judy, David and Angelique; Laurie, Ron Tom, Ed, Jim, Matt, et al.
19. A month of Giving Thanks – Day 19 – I am thankful for tea!
“Thank God for tea! What would the world do without tea? How did it exist? I am glad I was not born before tea.” Rev. Sydney Smith
20. A Month of giving thanks. Day 20. The Word of God with its promises, guidance, comfort, which is living and active, and the best way for me to learn about the God I love.
21. A month of giving thanks Day 21. I am so thankful for music! I cannot imagine life without it. Music is what brought Jim and I together! I love listening to my children making music; may it be a sweet sound in God’s ear. Keep singing everyone!
22. A month of giving thanks – Thanksgiving Day. Zero Weight Gain. May it be so!
23. A month of giving thanks…Day 23. I am thankful for God’s protection and provision as we travelled to Vegas today….it cost more to add new tires, but at least it didn’t happen on the road! And we made it to the game!
24. A month of giving thanks..Day 24. I am thankful for how well Clayton played in the all star game….and for the Fullerton Rangers; specifically the team that has become family for my son!
25. A month of giving thanks….I am thankful!
26. A month of giving thanks – Day 26 “ I am grateful for words and those who craft them so well in stories, books, songs, and other media! I am a philologist!
27. A month of giving Thanks – Day 27. I am grateful for the inventor of the camera! And for pictures and all the memories they provoke. I am so glad I have pictures (of Jim) and I wish I had taken more! Even more than that – I am so glad for digital. Remember how expensive film and developing it was and then the pictures were often terrible! LOL – just dated myself!
28. A month of Giving Thanks – Day 28. I am grateful for the serendipitous moments when I am surprised by God and his grace, for the “a-has” and the opportunities to see things from another perspective.
29.A month of Giving Thanks. Day 29. I love petrichor and I am grateful for the much needed precipitation too!
30. A month of giving thanks is not enough. Learning to count one’s blessings every day makes all the difference.