Never in my Wildest Dreams #36
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined my life. I could not have predicted most of it! Of course I had dreams and imagined all kids of scenarios – who didn’t!? Of course there are parts that are better than I imagined and things that are worse. Of course there are regrets and…
32 Years of my favorite Girl
32 years ago, I met a girl. As I got to know her, I realized this was not going to be an ordinary relationship. She needed me and I needed her but for very different reasons. She needed me to feed her, clothe her, keep her safe and show her the beauty of the world…
Life in a Bubble
I have become aware of something weird. I am not sure of the relationship between being a housed homeless person and my current perspective and perception of my life. But it feels a bit like Rip van Winkle who slept for 40 years and woke up and life was so different. I think I have…
Happy New School Year #35
It is almost “New Year’s” – for me September and back-to-school has always felt more like a new year than January 1st. January just feels like an extension of the Christmas holidays, but clean-up mode. We used to get new clothes, notebooks, shoes, and similar paraphernalia. Everything was clean and crisp. It was a chance…
Past the Waves
At staff chapel this week, I was taken with the story and accompanying insights from one of my colleagues about how she loves the beach and getting in the water. She shared how refreshing it is to move past the shore break into the deeper water. She also talked about how the noise of the…
Writer’s block
Sometimes people read the things I write and say I should publish a book, but most of my posts go unread or very lightly skimmed and there are no comments. I must say I have no idea what I would write about for a whole book. I used to think of ideas and collaborations with…
44 years later
Today marks my wedding anniversary. 8.23.80. Forty -four years ago I said yes to a lifelong adventure with Jim. We were able to enjoy that adventure for over 30 years.. There has been so much life with loss but also so much joy. I marvel at the life God gave me and the story He…
Holding Hands #33
Holding hands is one thing I miss – A LOT! Holding hands seems like an ordinary thing to do but it is also a very intimate thing. 44 years ago tomorrow I gave my hand (and my heart) to Jim as we promised to have and to hold. Holding hands means so many things and…
Passing the Baton
I’ve been doing youth ministry (in some various form) since I was about 19. Since I’m almost 65 this means I’ve been ministering to teens for 45 years. Although my days of active student ministry are over, I have been blessed to have been able to support those who are in the driver’s seat here…
Sewing #32
I was clearing and compacting some things in my storage unit last weekend. I saw a book that I have had since I was in early elementary school. It is titled, “Sewing is Fun”. Since seeing it I hunted and retrieved my sewing machine. I do think sewing is fun and I learned to do…