Advances in Treatment

Not often, but once in awhile after seeing an ad on TV or hearing of another person with the dreaded disease, I wonder what would have happened if Jim had gotten GBM4 today versus 14 years ago. The majority of brain cancers are highly invasive and rarely spreads to other parts of the body beyond…

By Mirm October 29, 2024 0

These Days

Today I woke up on the verge of tears. I had a good night’s sleep and did not have any dreams, good or bad, that I can remember. Then it dawned on me (literally and figuratively)  – it is the season when my sorrow began! It surprises me how the body and the subconscious know…

By Mirm October 17, 2024 0

Imagining a Life

I love the Pixar movie Coco and the focus on remembering. Telling stories, sharing memories and passing on traditions is what creates the power of family. It connects us to each other and keeps the bond with those who have died alive. I recently heard a statistic that says we usually remember only and up…

By Mirm October 15, 2024 0

Sweet Home Alabama

Today I am in Alabama. The weather is lovely, but cooler than normal due to Hurricane Helene. My cousin Brian and I are turning 65 so we celebrated with pedicures and steak dinner. I wish everyone could see the Alabama I see. It is much nicer than the reputation Alabama carries. When I said I…

By Mirm September 27, 2024 0

What’s so magical about 65?

What is old age? When does it start? 90 years ago FDR decided it was to be 65. The thing is that I think old age is just ahead of whatever age you are. I also think that it is somewhat an attitude or an outlook. I know some people in their 90’s and they…

By Mirm September 12, 2024 1