Counting my Blessings! 2013
A Month of Thanksgiving
day 1. Friends who cheer me with Rutabegorz’ lone ranger cookies!
day 2. Good, meaningful conversation that challenges, blesses, and restores…
day 3. I am thankful for do-overs, help for second chances, and for the hope of healing.
day 4 . I am grateful for my parents and the consistency of their lives and faith; I am so blessed to belong to Rex and Nancy Moses!!!
day 5. Today I am grateful for 4 women who share my heritage, have prayed for and cared for me, and whom I love: my aunts! Both my parents have 2 sisters! Today, one of them has a birthday! Together they have taught me creativity, generosity, patience, strength, bravery and more. I hope I can be the same kind of Aunt that they are. I am so blessed by my Aunt Janie Janet Marilyn Wheeler, Aunt Kitty Katherine Wheeler, Aunt Crystal Moses Wiggonton and Aunt Patricia.
day 6. Tea – I am glad I was not born before the invention of tea!
Day 7. I am thankful for the weather (or lack of it) in So Cal! Amazing days and evenings….
day 8. Jim Mohler….
Day 9. Thankful for my family! I am so blessed by my siblings and their beautiful offspring!
Day 10. So thankful for the team I work with! “Ministry best happens in the context of relationships” –
Day 11. I am thankful for the freedom I enjoy as a citizen of this country! Thanks to those who serve our country and keep that freedom a reality! Forever grateful!
Day 12. I am thankful for the gift of music and that it is so much a part of our family – watching Clayton Mohler play on Sunday, listening to Emily Mohler sing in her room, and then watching Jonathan Moses with the Biola Jazz band last night was brilliant!
day 13. I am thankful for friends who relentlessly pursue me, hold me accountable and lift me up in prayer; friends who remember the song of my heart and sing it to me when I forget.I love you!
Day 14. I am thankful for the opportunity Clayton Mohler has had to play with the Fullerton Rangers and for how he has learned skills, developed sportsmanship, and established great friendships! I love being a soccer mom! And this Saturday is the team’s last home game ever! #mixedemotions (FYI – 2pm @ Fullerton Sports Complex)
Day 15. I am thankful for the creative talents of Emily Mohler. She is such a blessing! I am so glad she chooses to share them with others! Wow!
Day 16. I am thankful for facebook! I posted about Clayton’s last home game and got the surprise of a lifetime when a friend from England showed up to watch! So amazed and grateful for some aspects of technology and media!
Day 17. I am thankful for the printing press. And the power of story. I love books!
Day 18. I am thankful for laughter, humor and play!
Day 19. I am grateful for those who pray. Even when I struggle through with doubts and lack of faith in its power, even when I forget or choose not to pray, I am startled by the consistent rhythm and meaning of prayer. And I am glad for it especially then and in spite of myself. I am so glad its reality is not dependent on me!
Day 20. I am so grateful for the people who care for our community – police, fire, sanitation, council members, parks and rec., and more. So glad they do what they do!
Day 21 . I am thankful for forgiveness and mercies which are new every morning.
Day 22. I am thankful for the idea of home and the reality of it. It can be for a night or for the rest of our lives. It is that place where we do life, where we dream, where we belong. And it is that place or person we long for – There is no place like it.
Day 23. I am thankful for a fun day with friends….and food…and memories.
Day 24. I had surgery this am (carpal tunnel) and I am thankful for the skill of surgeons, the blessing of insurance and the care of family and friends as I recuperate!
Day 25. I am glad for pain meds and days to recuperate.
Day 26. I am thankful for good news! (ie. Callahan baby watch!) Jane came today! Happy Birthday little one!
Day 27. I am thankful for the chance to spend time with Jim’s family.
Day 28. I am thankful for the simple things (like the discipline of counting blessings)Â and the life I have had.
Day 29. I am thankful for God’s grace and faithfulness each day.
Day 30. I’m thankful that being grateful is a lifestyle and that there are more than 30 things for which to be thankful.