November Gratitude Stone 25 Promises
2 Cor. 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
Do I trust God and His promises? The only way to know if faith is genuine is to see how it holds up under testing. If I buy a waterproof case for my phone and it never gets wet, it has not proven to be waterproof. But if it falls in the toilet and still works, then it really is waterproof! Similarly, If I say I believe God’s word and trust in His promises, it isn’t proven until I really do lean in and trust Him even when my husband is dying of brain cancer, for example. Only after struggles and trials do I know that I really do trust God and experience His hope and joy with a thankful heart no matter what.
I am glad when someone can keep a promise, but to never, ever break one?! Wow! God’s promises reflect His own qualities and nature. They are true. powerful. eternal. kind. good. guaranteed. They are for me! They show the sovereignty of His grace. They find their certainty in Christ.
Thank you for promising good to me. Always.