Fires and Cars
Many of you know that I name my cars. Starting with the Moses-Mobile and ending with my most recent, Betty White, they become part of my journey through life. Especially since I don’t have my own living space, I have enjoyed the freedom of my cars. Some of you have already heard but Betty White was abducted on Thursday night. I usually spend Thursday evenings with a friend in Downey but this week I debated about whether or not I should go with the bad air quality from the firestorm in Southern California. I was leaving work and remembered that a person from church had asked that giving envelopes and a Bible journal be mailed to her but with the day of mourning for Carter and the end of the week there would be no mail. She lives in Downey – right where I was going – and I knew right where she lived since I had known her from a previous church in Downey. That settled it. I would go drop that off to her and then go to meet up with my friend.
I pulled up to her house on a street with few streetlights, opened the rear door to grab the items and leaving everything – purse, keys, phone, work computer and more and the front door slightly ajar I started up the sidewalk path to the door. At that point I saw the car start to roll forward and thought I had forgotten to put it in park, As I turned to stop it I heard the door shut and watched my car drive away. I hurriedly ran up and rang the bell and then turned to run after my car. Needless to say, my “good deed” unravelled as my heart pounded and my ears began to throb as I had to calmly ask a convalescing older woman (who wasn’t even expecting me) if I could use her phone to call the police.
Another former acquaintance came there to bring her dinner and they kindly chatted about Jim – who they both remembered fondly. When the police got there They took a report and then took me to my other friend’s home where we waited for Clayton come to get me and take me to Huntington Beach. I was having trouble remembering passwords and they were having trouble with dispatch in finding my registration and VIN number. By the way, one of the problems with the 2 step verification is that you need a recognized device and phone to access your stuff. This is a problem when the 2 steps are in a “grand theft auto” re- creation. And you cannot rent a car without ID or a card in your name.
I am not done processing this event emotionally or financially. I spent the remainder of last night and all day today on another phone and computer taking care of the after effects from this crime of opportunity. There is still plenty to tackle. I am sad for the impact it has on so many others. I am disgusted at feeling violated again so soon (the felony DUI uninsured motorist on the freeway in 2022). I worry about someone having free reign over my “stuff”, my identity and I am brokenhearted most about the loss of a treasured 40 year Bible. from Jim among so many other things. I am trying hard to pray for this thief and not just be mad at him for the costliness of his selfish decision. And I am especially upset by the way that it impacts the safety and lives of others. He has access to keys and information on more than just me. But, I still hope and I find that doing so disrupts the anguish.
Part 2
Saturday I finally was able to access a phone and some of my apps and I found my car using my Subaru app. It was a block away from where it was taken. The police went and confirmed it was Betty and towed the car to the impound lot. I went and released the car to the insurance company and previewed the damage. All the contents of the car are gone but I also can see the things I have airtagged at 3 locations in Downey. BUT, I cannot get to them without a warrant or a suspect. I wish they would have fingerprinted the car. I can see my phone is in Los Angeles as well. As I look up prices of the things I need to replace I get very discouraged that one punk can take so much without any recourse.
So, in the past week, the fires are still burning, people are still displaced and my car is still in the shop. Life is surreal, overwhelming and unbelievable much like the current firestorm hitting Southern California. I do not want to over philosophize about it. My own situation is a microcosm of other loss. Loss hits everyone all the time. This is not an anomaly. There will be other fires, more winds and theft. Most lives have even more disruption and chaos that inform them. Many communities have had catastrophes worse than the trauma Job endured. And I am not equating my loss with the devastation others are enduring nor am I meaning to minimize any of it.
God promises his presence when the fires rage (Is.43:1-2) but that does not seem enough, especially in light of so much uncertainty and loss. And yet, every day this side of heaven is about loss and instability. I refuse to be consumed by it because if I did it would consume me! I do look forward to the future that does not know loss and grief.
I think that part of the point that James made when he said he counted it all joy is the fact that God is redeeming it all. He came to fix it all – even when it doesn’t look like it. I believe that in spite of all the trauma in this life, there is ultimately joy because God showed up. That is perhaps why for the joy set before him, Jesus endured the cross and why he left us his peace for the journey. Perhaps the most shocking response we can have to all the ache in this life is joy. It is a remarkable and scandalous, even rebellious reaction. It goes against all common sense! I am not saying I am not sad or angry. I do not mean a “pollyanna” type of response. I do mourn with those who mourn and there is a lot to grieve. I do not mean to lump all trauma, tragedy and pain into one bucket other than the realization that the reason for all of it is because we live in a fallen, broken world. Today I choose to wait with hope and I cling to joy.
I am still grieving. still mad. still reaching. still hopeful. still his. still.
So sorry for all that is happening! It seems as though life today is in such turmoil. Our family as well. So much grief. Praying that you will get things back in order soon. Love you Mirm!
“I refuse to be consumed by it because if I did it would consume me! I do look forward to the future that does not know loss and grief.”
Mirm, always grateful for your words. I’m so so sorry this happened. 🙁
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him…” – Job 13:15
Praying for you through this messy stuff in this messy life. I love you.
I’ve been so upset since reading this! It could have been you my friend instead of or in addition to the car and your belongings! As you put your spiritual armor on ready for battle it seems we also need to physically prepare for battle by walking with caution. So many lessons to learn! 1 Peter 5:7-8
casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. [8] Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Thanking the Lord you are okay. Praying for resolution to all the difficult details!