Pedro Conejo
A friend reminded me of Jim’s sleight-of-hand trick with the yellow foam bunnies today. He always had jokes and tricks ready to go, and kept them in his pocket! In fact, I cannot remember a time since I met him in 1977 that he was not always at the ready. He wore out several sets of those bunnies and I accidentally washed them many times over the years, along with toothpicks, chapstick and guitar picks.
That bunny trick was always one of my favorites. I remember how he learned to speak some Spanish so he could do the story with kids in Mexico. It is his own version of the classic Peter Rabbit story. And every once in awhile he would moralize it! He would remind kids to eat their veggies and not to overeat. He would encourage his audience to always listen and obey their mom. And his version of the story was primarily about putting your family first – especially your spouse!
I got another photo of an encouragement he wrote to a student years ago which I have included.