Happy 100th Anniversary FBCS!
I was not sure I would go. I didn’t want to remember because sometimes the memories are hard and overwhelming. But when I was invited and I thought about it, I could almost hear Jim’s voice encouraging me and telling me to go for both of us. I did go and I did remember. It was good! NO, it was great!
I am so fortunate that Jim and I were both called to ministry and then hired together to be a team at First Baptist of Scottsdale. We were only there for one- tenth, or a tithe, of the church’s one hundred year history; and yet our hearts intersected with the lives and hearts of so many that will last forever. We grew. We had both of our children while on staff there. I was ordained. We were trusted with the keys to the kingdom and with the children and youth! We worked alongside the best and listened to the Word preached each week. We were most blessed.
Emily went with me but she never made it to the festivities. She hung out with the amazing Alex Tuten and her family all weekend. Clayton was playing soccer in Las Vegas. As for me, I had lots of tea (yum), an open house with some of my favorite people on the planet reminiscing and laughing, St Paddy’s dinner with the Howards, worshipping as Mark Zeeman led from the piano, and much celebrating at church. It was toooooo fast. And we didn’t even open the time capsule that we put in the ground on the 75th anniversary. I guess I will have to go back!
Yay Scottsdale! I share some great memories with you of my times visiting you while you and Jim worked there (particularly that most meaningful Easter sunrise service…not to mention the fabulous huge grapefruits that grew in your backyard). Glad you were able to attend….831143