Life as Thank You 22

May 25, 2016 0 By Mirm

Dear Ann,

I am writing thank you notes each week this year as an act of spiritual discipline. You are a rock star. From the moment I met you I was impressed with your servant heart and with how you are instilling that in your sons. As I gotten to know you I am further humbled by the things I learn and experience through you. You are an amazing friend. Thank you for sharing your wisdom about ADD, parenting and ministry. Thank you too for sharing your manpower and muscle on many occasions. It is hard to know when I am taking advantage of you because you NEVER say no and you are ALWAYS ready and generous with your time and energy.  You inspire me with your “workhorse” effort and your “can-do” outlook. I consider myself so fortunate to be one of your “go-to” people; last summer’s trip to Utah was sooooooo fun. I love our “lunch” dates at Choice Burger. I am so grateful for all you do for me and for the ministry. Thank you.

May your tribe increase; the world is a better place because you are in it. May God continue to supply all your needs in Christ Jesus. I am forever in your debt.

With Love,ann w
