Mohler Christmas 2019

By the time you read this it will be a Happy New Year card! I don’t know about you but it feels like I just wrote a review of 2018 and sent out Christmas Cards. Where did the year go?! 2019 is nearly history. It was a good and busy year.
Some things are fairly typical for me including Dodgers and Disneyland, time with my kids and extended family, and spending time with friends. I went to Northern California and Arizona a few times and I went to Grand Rapids, MI in August. But the highlight of my year came in September for my 60th birthday when I was blessed to go on a dream vacation to Europe with one of my good friends, Ann. I finally saw Salzburg, Austria and toured the Sound of Music sights. We also traveled through Italy seeing Venice, Murano, Burano, Verona, Florence, Pisa, Cinqueterra and Milan. We went through the Swiss alps and Zurich on our way back to Munich, Germany. It was the trip of a lifetime.
This year also included hellos and goodbyes. When my nephew Jonni married Kelly, I added a new niece. There were other weddings and babies to greet this year too. My biggest hello was in the beginning of December when I got a new left knee. Yes, I am now bionic. Goodbyes are always hard and I can’t wait until there are no more of them; several weekends were spent at funerals. Heaven is the long hello!
My kids are doing well. Connor and Emily have been married almost 5 years. They have 2 cats and work in Chino in ministry. Clayton is living in Fullerton and working in Irvine as an accountant. He bought his first new car – a Toyota Corolla Hybrid.
I am looking forward to 2020 and would love to see more of you. Until then, I will close out 2019 wishing you all the best. With joy and love, Miriam