Christmas 2021

Another year has come and gone. Some of it was good. Some of it was hard. Some was messy. Some was fun. Of all the words that could describe 2021 I think I will use the word languishing. Why? After 2 years of pandemic fatigue I think most of those I interact with, follow on social media, and pray for seem to have a common outlook or mood that is apathetic at best, without purpose and focus, lost and agitated at worst. It is like we are all restless, yet unable to motivate or inspire any different perspective.
There is not much news to share from the Mohlers. We have not travelled and we don’t have new jobs or pets. I got a new knee at the beginning of December and I am looking forward to being able to hike, or at least enjoy a long walk, in some new place! We are all relatively busy, happy, and healthy. Learning to live gratefully is so daily and I try to savor every relationship, each interaction in real life, knowing that each one is an undeserved gift. My dad’s health continues to fade and I already miss his godly brilliance.
Here is the good news; no matter what word is used to describe a year in the life, Jesus is not defined by such short sighted and fluid terms. He takes our languish and reminds us how to flourish. He uses little prompts to push us out of ourselves and into His grace and hope. And for this I humbly bow my head.
May 2022 be a better year and a better word!
Love, Mirm
Thank you forsharing those beautiful words of reality
And encouragement.. When I get discouraged I try
to remember God js still in controll and how blessed I am.. I know how hard it is to watch your Dad decline and how hard it is on your Mom. We are thankful for children who step in and help us. You have been a blessing to many through your ministry.. Blessings and prayers
What a beautiful letter! You are true inspiration and always have been. I have been praying for you and your knee I am also praying for your dad and your mom. Merry Christmas from our family! I am working on my letter now as our letters seem to get longer and longer so I have to have my daughter condense for me! Love to everyone!
Sweet Miriam-
You are truly a blessing to all. You make your parents proud and I am just delighted to have known you all of these years. Thank you Lord for the blessing of friendship.
May you and your family have a blessed Christmas. I am really praying for your dad and your mom. They have always been such steadfast friends to my parents and to my family.
Please pray for my sister, Julie as she has been in excruciating pain in her lower back for months now maybe years. And please pray for Heather’s family with her husband having too many strokes that have effectively caused personality changes. I sent you a Christmas card, and hopefully you will receive it. Much love, Jody