What’s new?

January 9, 2022 0 By Mirm

Sometimes I cannot seem to creatively crawl out of my ordinary. The task of getting through the day’s chores is about all I can handle and then I just box up my brain and save it for the next day. I think this is a rut that I am ready to leave but the problem with ruts is they are so “rutty”. So, I am a creative problem solver and I can’t seem to figure out a way to get motivated and jump start some of my former interests, goals and relationships. What is going on?!

Every September, since it is my birth month and the start of school year, I usually make goals and resolutions. Jim and I used to do the same thing every anniversary in August. Well now it really is a new year – 2022 – and I am feeling this tug to add a resolution, in addition to my Bible reading focus. (By the way, I don’t really have a specific focus this year.)

Well, until I think of something – if I decide on something – I will answer the the title question, C/lambda=nu