
February 6, 2023 0 By Mirm

There are heroes in the world. Some are disguised as regular people. I know some – actually I know more than my fair share. They may not be the superhero kind who wear capes and have otherworldly superpowers but they are the real deal.

One of my superheroes, at 87 years old, went to Africa to love “the least of these”. She loves her neighbors well. She tutors non- English people. She generously shares her resources. She reflects Jesus well.

I joined a group of people who celebrated one of my heroes today because she is stepping back from some of her volunteer responsibilities. She plays the piano. She got a tattoo for her 75th birthday. She understands the internet and computerspeak better than most people half her age. She remembers details and everything is done with excellence! She is a humble and extremely creative image-bearer.

Another one of my heroes serves at church and is the most gentle and caring person to walk alongside the grieving. She is first to volunteer for just about anything else too and genuinely makes people feel loved and valued. When I see her I see Jesus.

These are just 3 of many I could talk about today. All 3 embody the biblical definition of a hero. Romans 15:1,2 says, “We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.  Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 

Being a hero means being a helper, a supporter, a friend. It means using all you have for the Kingdom. It means leaning into the One who designed us for good works prepared in advance. Further, all 3 of these have a creative, loving and godly demeanor with which they lay it all down.

I am thankful for their obedience. I am blessed by by their friendship and encouragement. I am overwhelmed by their grace and kindness. May their tribe increase. I have often thought that I want to be just like them when I “grow up.” I will always see each one as the perfect picture of a servant and for the example they have been in my life and faith journey.

They continue to lead the way – all the way home!