Clayton is 29!
Happy Birthday to you Clayton. We certainly have been through many adventures and changes over the years. I realize that you have now lived longer without your dad than you did with him. That makes me sad! And yet the short window he and I had to steward our kids as parents still informs the man you have become. Your dad’s voice continues to echo and I can see his influence. It is another reminder of the powerful and beautiful impact of one life on another. I treasure so many memories of birthdays past and I look forward to many more yet to be created!
Even though life changes as the years go by, my prayers and dreams for you have not. If I were to blow out the candles on your cake and make a widh for you it would be that you would be more like Jesus next year than you are today. It would be that you have adventures and laughter and friends as faithful as you are. Fortunately, I don’t have to rely on a wish or a wisp of optimism or even positive thinking because I can pray for you and know that God wants all these things for you too. He is the giver of every good gift. He is the one who does more than we could ever ask, think of or hope for. So I keep praying that you know and reflect your heavenly Father. I pray you laugh joyfully and that your resilience and kindness flourish. I pray that you to know the deep intimacy of loving others and being loved in return. I pray for your friends and for you to and your friends to bring out the best in each other. I pray you will have success and that your marriage will grow stronger and better every day. I pray that you will make good decisions and live generously. I pray you and your sister will always look out for each other.
The world is a better place because you are in it, Clayton. I love you and I thank God for you every day and for the privilege it is to be your mom!