Ears to Hear- Day 45 – Acts 21

Response by Miriam Mohler
Student Ministries Administrative Assistant
For me several things rise to be noticed. The first is that everywhere Paul stops on his way back from the missionary journey, there were opportunities to build relationships and connections. Paul understood the concept that ministry best happens in the context of relationships.
The second highlight is the shout-out that Luke gives to Philip and his four daughters who are involved in ministry. The hospitality, purity and faithfulness of this godly family is stunning.
Finally, a primary struggle of the story is understanding how God’s will works regarding whether or not Paul should have returned to Jerusalem. At first glance Paul seems to reject the Holy Spirit’s warning through the voices of godly companions. Yet, Luke does not seem to pass judgment on Paul for his opposing decision, as though he were out of God’s will.
How does God guide us? We know that God is clear about what His perfect will is as revealed in Scripture; He wants ALL to come to know Him and NONE to perish. Beyond that, it would be convenient if God’s direction worked like a personal GPS, but unfortunately it doesn’t. Further, if knowing God’s will in the millions of decisions we make was easy, where would be our need for Him? Fortunately, God’s purposes do not hang in the balance of our obedience.