Happy Birthday to Clayton #20!

March 4, 2016 1 By Mirm

Emily's turning 10!Dear Clayton.

My baby. My sweet son. It is so hard to believe that it has been 20 years since you were born. I know that the days often seem slow but the years fly by; and it as I reflect on all the moments I have missed I wish I could stop time and take it all in again, or to make sure you learned all the things I needed to teach you.

You are pursuing your adult self and making decisions that a man makes to conquer that world. Most importantly, you are choosing to hear and obey your heavenly Father and fulfill His call on your life. Your dad and I have prayed for you every day of your life knowing that we are just stewards of a precious gift. Our prayer has been for you to know in the core of your being who you are in Christ and that you would be transformed to transform the world, and to be the amazing gift you were created to be.

I used to watch after every one of your steps, but I no longer have my eyes trained on your every movement. You move farther away from my sight each year and I no longer hold your hand tightly as we walk through malls and crowds. Even so, I still see you, I will always look out for you and I hold you tightly in my heart. I am aware that one day soon I will take a back seat to another woman (who I have been praying for as well) but I will always be on your team, cheering and coaching you on to excellence.

I cannot imagine being any prouder of you than I already am, but I know that you will continue to astound me with your generous and godly heart. Happy Birthday Clayton and all my love!
