Waves of Grace

June 27, 2021 0 By Mirm

Jim. Today I miss you. I could write this every day since you left earth. But today it hurts. Some days are like that – when the reality that half of me is still missing and the phantom pain is more noticeable than before. I am not sure why it is today – it isn’t a special memory or anniversary  – but I have come to know that is how grief works. Sometimes it is like the rogue wave that hits the shore and unexpectedly knocks me down.

I am confident that I will stand again with sand in my swimsuit and hair but I will stand, disheveled and dirty and sad that the wave got the better of me and knocked me down. 

I imagine that grief is a glimpse into the pain of sin and death that God feels over and over. And yet,

His amazing grace washes over me, cleans and restores me.  He still makes all the difference –  I especially notice it today I can’t even try to do it on my own.