Too Good to be True

March 25, 2022 0 By Mirm

Is it true that I am God’s favorite? Does He mean it when He says He loves me enough to die for me? Does God actually have my best interest at heart? Really?!

If I look at scripture, I can be convinced, most of the time, that every time God interacts with humankind He is obsessed with redemption. Even in the dark stories that seem to be focused on punishment and anger, God is working all things together for good because of His great love. Unbelievable?! From a human standpoint, Yes – but we have a God who loves, who is love and who never lets judgment triumph over mercy. He is in the restoration business and not just for the things that are visibly broken or seemingly beyond repair. His heart is to bring us to our original purpose which is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever.

So, even when my heart is weary and sad, even when I am troubled for a world gone dark or my family or friends losing their way, I am leaning in to hear the Lord whisper that He is in control and that He loves me. He is able and willing to do whatever it takes to draw me back into His grace and out of my struggle with Him.

May His mercy and grace triumph today and may I see it and give Him all the credit!