Family Friday #4 Uncoupling

January 26, 2024 0 By Mirm

A number of years ago Gweneth Paltrow and Chris Martin uncoupled. Maybe it was a fancy new term for divorce and maybe it was something more. But they decided to stop being a couple still partnering in their role as parents. I need to uncouple with my place of residence and some of the items in it – making room to continue caring for the resources and stuff God has given me to steward.

I am not really sure I can process much today – some days just knock the wind out of your sails. Life can be too much sometimes. I am thinking about all the memories we didn’t make and now we can’t. I am thinking about all the treasures I grabbed and clung to, thinking they were so important; yet they won’t last. They can’t go into eternity with us. And still I cannot let go. Traces of Jim. Reminders of our life together. Our wedding album sat on a shelf until last night when I took it out and looked at it before packing it away so I can move again. Our glass cake topper, framed wedding invitation  and our unity candle.  Why do I still have them? What do I do with them? My kids don’t even want the mementos of their lives that I saved for them.  Sigh. It is ok. I can detach my memories from my stuff. Stop the self shaming. Stop the spending. Start letting go. Keep being enough.

My habits shape me. The things I do do things to me. The things I don’t do don’t do things to me.  Everything I do gets easier to do again. May I keep doing the things that move me closer to my forever home and may I live in light of forever.