Olympics #29

July 26, 2024 1 By Mirm

I was fortunate enough to live in southern California in 1984 during the Olympic games. It was difficult to get tickets for some of the big events like gymnastics but it was not hard to participate. Different family members and I took in soccer, field hockey, diving and some track and field events.

The Olympics are one of my favorite things; feats of athleticism, competition and talent are amazing. And the games feel like a connection to something bigger and better about our shared humanity. The sense of national pride and the cool stories told and played out in front of the world are so up lifting. For 2 weeks it seems that  people put aside their disagreements, animosity and warfare ceases to hold the attention of the world. It is replaced with a respectful marveling at everyone winning and the transcendence of the human spirit with whispers of hope and beauty.