Rereading my favorite book

November 25, 2020 0 By Mirm

I regularly reread the allegory Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. I first encountered it when I was a teen through the mom one of my besties (Thank you Marianne Freilich and Elaine Wood!).

It is the story of little Much-Afraid and her journey to join the Great Shepherd in the High Places of the Kingdom of Love. Each time I read it I am reminded of some truth or surrender. This time I was struck by a conversation by the Shepherd where He explains that He loves doing impossible things! He delights in turning weakness to strength, fear into faith, despair into hope. God once again used this allegory to enable me to trust that God knows what He is doing in my life.

My entire life with God has been a journey of learning that God’s way is better than mine. May I continue to believe that God alone redeems and restores. Like Much-Afraid, I want to be “Acceptance with Joy”, cheerfully accepting whatever comes my way; I want to be “Bearing with Love” living out Agape no matter what happens. My companions continue to be sorrow and suffering as they help change me and bring good from evil. I watch for impossible thing to happen as I journey home.

So once again I bow my head and my heart before Him, and I open my hands to Him, and I say: I trust You.  I know You love me. You are committed to transforming me into the likeness of Jesus – a very challenging task. Even as Your work in me is uncomfortable, You comfort me.  You have a perfect plan.  So I give you my way. Take it. Replace it with Your way for me. Thank You, Lord, that You never give up on me. You will accomplish Your plans for me. Amen.