Mother’s Day 2024

May 12, 2024 0 By Mirm

Today I was asked an interesting question by my daughter in love. “What do you like about being a mom?”

Of course what I love is not being “A” mom but who I get to mother!  I love being Clayton and Emily’s mom! They are the 2 amazing people God gave Jim and I to steward who bless and startle me every day with their depth and authenticity. I am humbled by the ways they refine me and have been used to make me more like Jesus. I am so proud of the people they have become and the life partners they each have chosen. (Additionally I have been blessed to “mother” kids in the ministry and my kids’ friends).

Part of my answer to Amanda is that it has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, aside from burying my life partner. Motherhood is overwhelming, exhausting, time-consuming, expensive, ridiculous and I often felt I was failing in the role. It is daunting to be responsible for the character  and the soul of another human being. Developing people to become kind and compassionate, when you often aren’t yourself, is no small thing. I have spent more time worrying and stressing about them and second guessing myself constantly. I have been on my knees praying about many things on their behalf and reading everything I could on how to be the best parent I could be.  But, as hard as being a parent is it is also life giving, fun, rewarding, worthwhile and a privilege.  Motherhood is both joy and sorrow. It is ups and downs. It is roots and wings. It is peaks and valleys. It is both/and.

Each parent-child relationship is different and unique. I can honestly say that the 2 people who call me mom I love more than anything. I cherish them. Being a mom is another way to lean in and watch God at work in and through me and in spite of me. He always accomplishes his purposes. He has always been enough for all the days I have been a mom.