Like Father Like Son

July 5, 2019 0 By Mirm

Hey Jim! … So yesterday our son told me he is interested in vocational ministry. I must admit that I find that daunting and I am not sure why. Perhaps it is because I can see how things have changed or because I have become a bit jaded. Maybe it is because I have seen so much “hurt” caused by churches to those in ministry and such a poor work ethic among those I work with. Mostly I think it because you are not here to mentor him. I wish you were, because you were so good at that.

Clayton is like you in so many ways and yet so different too. Like you, he is introverted, talented and smart. You would be so proud of him, and of Emily too. I am so humbled to be their mom. It is reasonable logic to say that long life and children are a blessing, but Proverbs 17:6 is surprising when it says that the glory of children is their father! Our kids have taken great pride, and rightly so, in the blessing of you as a dad!