Sweet Sixteen!
Happy Birthday Clayton. March forth…. Tomorrow your dad will celebrate 16 months in heaven (or at least we will remember that he went there) and you turned 16 today! That won’t happen again.
So I say to you my son, March forth…you have your whole life ahead of you and the journey begins with the first step.
March forth….walk by faith, learning and leaning into Jesus every moment of every day.
March forth… keep walking side by side with the godly young men you have chosen as friends.
March forth…. and continue to choose joy and hope as your traveling companions.
March forth….looking for those who have lost their way and need a “light” to show them how to go.
March forth ….keeping Jesus in sight and not being distracted by “bunny trails” that cause you to wander off the path.
March forth…knowing that I am standing in prayer for you and that God is behind you, before you, hemming you in and sustaining you all the days of your life.
I love you Clayton. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, indeed to a very special, gifted, important, sweet, talented, athletic, intelligent, charming young man. Love you with all my heart, dear Clayton.
Aunt Cammy