Life as Thank you 32
You are one of my heroes. You raised the childhood best friends of both my children and that alone had a huge impact on our family. In between the birthdays of those 2 fabulous people (Sherrod last week and Abi this week) I thought I would tell you how thankful I am for you.
You are one of the most generous, creative and godly women I know. I am grateful for your gift of hospitality and the way you shared your home for play group, Bible studies, neighborhood parties and teas. I am grateful that I never had to worry about my kids when they were in your care. I am further grateful for the way you raised your older girls to be responsible and kind babysitters. From you I learned so much from homeschooling to recipes to evangelistic living to frugality and more! Your heart for fostering and for adoption is inspiring. Your sewing and crafting abilities are amazing and your intentionality in relationships is exemplary.
I love your extended family too. In fact, I think that one of the best things about moving to Illinois was living in Waukegan and having the privilege of doing life with the Reeds, the Martens and the Burns’. Memories we all treasure!
I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. May you know the joy and peace of a job well done as a mom, wife, sister and friend!
Love you!