Thank You Jordan
One of the regular and super icky parts of my jobs is the turn-over of leaders. I have worked here for 10 years and off the top of my head I counted 42 + people who have left staff from just Students & Kids department team! So, I form friendships. I do my best to know what each one needs and what gifts and skills they bring to the table. Sometimes the people I work with become my friends outside of work. Sometimes people stay for awhile and there is cohesion and connection. Sometimes there isn’t and I fail in that part of my job. Some people I forget or they forget me and others move on and it is really neat to see what God is doing in and through them in other places through the medium of social media or visits. Some are still on staff but are in different roles which is actually good for the overall staff team camaraderie. Some leave staff for parenting or other careers and continue to attend here and volunteer. That is satisfying.
People we work with can become our friends as we laugh together in meetings, work together to get projects completed and learn to work together as a team. In a church it is different because the people we work with we also worship with and invest more than the nine-to-five. We pray together. We hold eternity and the keys to the kingdom together. And yet the real more-than-work friendship relationship does not always go to this deep personal level. It is a kind of relationship is extra special because it lasts longer in our hearts and lives so that we don’t ever have to say goodbye. We become family. Ministry best occurs in the context of relationship and this last category of people exemplifies this. This is you for me (and Clay), Jordan. You and I met long before you came to work here because you are one of my son’s friends. So, to you I do not have to say goodbye. Instead, I only have to say thank you.
Thank you for your intentionality. Thank you for including me in your conversations and decisions about all kinds of things. Thank you for recognizing my ability and experience in ministry and for asking for my opinions and insights on occasion. I am grateful for the way you listen and engage others. I feel respected by you and not just tolerated, minimized or ignored. I will miss your thoughtful and godly input on a daily basis.
I appreciate the way you always pursue excellence with joy and hope. It has been beyond amazing working with you for these past few years. I will gladly treasure the memories as I look forward to watching God work in and through you from my corner of the world.
I thank the Lord for the privilege of working with you. Thank you for being a great reflection of Jesus. I know Him better because of you.
I bless you as you continue to pursue holiness in every area of your life and ministry. Here are some random blessings as you begin the next chapter in your story.
May the hinges of friendship (ours included) never grow rusty.
May all your losses be with teammates you love. But may your wins outdo the sum of your losses.
May you greet each day with eagerness and sleep each night with peace of mind.
May you always have enough friends to carry your stretcher to the One who can meet your needs – at least equal to the amount of people for whom you have carried into the Lord’s presence.
May you continue to hear and obey the still and tender voice of the One called True all the days of your life.
May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live, unless it is wanting more of Jesus!
May God’s pleasure be yours and may you always know His favor.
I love you!