Thankful Lists – Nov. 1-8
Nov. 1 -RANDOM things I am thankful for: Snooze button – Moses’ family humor and punny wit – Walking barefoot in grass or beach sand = The funny little games I make up in my mind like Naturally missing every crack in the pavement or raindrop races on the windshield – Bomba Socks – Deodorant – The ability to Google any question – Silly superstitions like the five second rule & crossing fingers – Knowing how to stop the hiccups – Clothes fresh out of the dryer – Chapstick – Global GPS when we travelled by car and by foot in Europe we did pretty well with navigation, The first tollbooth in the snow in Austria is just a funny memory.- Websites and apps that make travel better – Boysenberries – Routines – My nightguard, which protects my teeth and jaw from my mad clenching at night. – A synchronized traffic light when I’m running late. – Caffeine. = The power always comes back on after it goes out. – Libraries & Bookshops – Unexpected kindness of a stranger. – Teeth – Happy Smells like wet pavement, bread baking, cut grass, dryer exhaust – The sound of running water – Sun kissed skin
Nov. 2 Thankful for ABC’s
- Audible
- Books that are worth a reread
- Caffeine
- Dodgers
- Education
- Fortnum & Mason
- Gravy on biscuits
- Home
- Ice Cream
- Jimbo
- Kids that call me mom
- Laughter that’s contagious
- “Monk” sitting
- New perspective
- Organ donors
- Pie with flaky crusts
- Quick responses to texts
- Rainbows found
- Storage Units
- TV
- Underwear that is clean
- Vacations
- Water that sparkles
- Xerox
- Youth Ministry
- Zoos that save species
Nov. 3 OFTEN TAKEN FOR GRANTED things I am really thankful for I define taken for granted not seeing the value or appreciating something that is often overlooked, underappreciated or too lightly valued that shouldn’t belong to this meaning:
toilet paper. running clean water. heat and air conditioning. cars / transportation. wifi & technology. indoor plumbing. pavement / roads. traffic laws and protocols. winshield wipers. feminine products. the ability to read / communicate. gas. electricity. tools and people who know how to use them. refrigerators. pens. grocery stores. builders and construction workers. walking. health and health care. good weather. enough. the 5 senses. freedom. shelter. time & opportunity.
NOV. 4 LITTLE THINGS It is easier to think of all the BIG things that I’m thankful for – All the things that I could not live without. And still there are so many little things that God gives us even though He didn’t have to – so much more than just our basic necessities,. Even the smallest and most subtle of beauties declare the glory of God.
Sunshine in the early morning * Finding money in a jacket pocket you haven’t worn in a while * Things that bring exceeding great joy * The way a fire crackles and dances in a fireplace * Waking up seconds before your alarm * Being remembered * Notes, texts, emails * Finding a perfectly ripe avocado * lunch with a friend * a cup of tea * a breeze * a completed checklist * learning a new word and then hearing it used * eyelashes * finding a four leaf clover * crawling into bed and resting * watching a butterfly or a hummingbird * dimples * zerbits & baby giggles * seeing someone you know in a crowd * finding a favorite candy from childhood * Getting everyone to smile in a family photo at the same time * blowing bubbles * fireworks * hugs
NOV. 5 GOD MOMENTS – Years ago I was asked the question, “What are you thankful for that only God could do?”
Here are a few of those answers:
- Comforts me in all my sorrows
- Shows me mercy instead of treating me as I deserve
- Traded my sin for His righteousness in the great exchange
- Has given me many good gifts
- Gave me a seat at the table
- Defined me as His own
- Refined me through fire purer than before
- Delights in me
- Holds me through storms
- Has brought me through many dark valleys
- Quiets me with perfect love
- Is Doing More than I could ask or imagine
- Always tells me the truth about myself
- Has Been my truest friend
- Provides me with a purpose
- Overwhelms me daily with amazing grace
- Rescued me
- Set me a certain hope and a future
- Hears my prayers and answers the cries of my heart
- Made me glad
- Meets my needs and more
- Created me with gifts and talents
- Redeemed me
- Has Always kept His promises to me
Nov. 6 In Adversity
“Being grateful does not mean that everything is necessarily good. It just means that you can accept it as a gift.” — Roy T. Bennett
NOV. 7 Teachers
I loved school and learning. But even if I didn’t, I would not be who I am if I hadn’t been taught things. Of course, my parents were my first teachers, and I am grateful for them. I am so thankful for the people who shaped my life, whether in a formal classroom or walking along in life guiding and showing me how to live and how to do things. I know I will miss people by making a list, but I want to give a grateful shout-out to some of the many who have been my teachers.
- Elementary teachers including Mr. Luloff and Mrs. Wells
- Middle School Teachers including Mrs. Mautner Craig Vaughan
- My clarinet teachers
- Gary McJilton – High school Band director
- Ray Lutke – Best Band Director ever
- Linda Cannell – TEDS PhD program
- Thom Fuller from Campus Life
- Jerry Martin – my youth pastor & Dennie Clemetson – Jim’s youth pastor
- Pastors – Mike Woodruff, Bob Thomas, Bob Brouwer, Harold Adams, Hilton Jarvis, Steve Osborn, T. Arthur Smith, Connie Salios
- Biola Bible Professors – Dr.Gordon Kirk, Dr. Ron Pierce, Dr. Curtis Mitchell, Dr. Ed Curtis, Dr. Mike Wilkins
- Biola Christian Ministries Professors – Dr. Dennis Dirks, Stan Leonard, Dr. Bob Radcliffe, Dr. Rex Johnson, Dr. Charlie Bradshaw
- Marlene LeFever
- Kenny Poure
- Clyde Cook
- Spanish teachers – Mrs Goesch, Mrs Perlman, Dr. Duane Wetzler
- Edison Teachers – Mr Emery, Mr Stevens, Mrs Carpenter, Ms Hayle, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Riley, Madame Riddell
- Colleagues I was blessed to teach alongside – Jana Sundene, Jon Lunde, Bill Moulder, Samir Massou, Mark Senter, Karen Wrobbel, et al.
- Whoever taught me to swim, sew, read and write
- Leroy Grantham who taught me to ride a bike
- Girls Scout leaders, camp counselors, Sunday School teachers and Bible Study leaders (Ruth Senter & Colleen Edmondson)
- Eleanor Waddell, Mrs. Karen Swan, Valorie Higman and others who mentored me as a young believer