Happy 25 Amanda

January 6, 2024 0 By Mirm

Dear Amanda,

I know you’re my only daughter-in-law, but you’re still my favorite! Though you weren’t born into our family, you were born to be part of it and I feel like I got a great gift when Clayton chose you as his life partner. One quarter of a century. One fourth of “my kids”. My only daughter in love. I am looking forward to finding out at least 25 things about you that I didn’t know before. I try imagining you as a little girl; I am looking forward to hearing stories of your life growing up. My other goal is to become your favorite mother in law!

As a reminder I have been praying for you for years and I promise to keep on praying for you and Clayton every day that you will both love the Lord more than anything else in the world. Because when we love Him more than anything, everything else flows from there.

I thank God for you, Amanda. Every good and perfect gift is from above. You are a gift to our family, and I thank God for you. (James 1:17). When I look at you, I see a daughter of the King, a sister of mine in Christ, the gift of a daughter He’s given to me.

Hope this is your best year yet!

Love, Miriam