My Spiritual Hall of Fame!

September 11, 2015 1 By Mirm

I read a facebook post by one of my friends whose train of thought went from a dog named Koufax to the Baseball Hall of Fame to her own spiritual Hall of Fame. The thought process is interesting. From there, I started wondering who would be in my Spiritual Hall of Fame if I had one. I stand on the shoulders of some very amazing and godly people and I have more “heroes” of the faith than I can possibly list, which I consider to be a real privilege and blessing.  To whom much is given, much will be required!  I am who I am because of the people listed below as well as others and I am fortunate to enjoy the pleasure of their company as we walk toward Home. My bestie, Cam, and I talk all the time about doing a road trip to take in as many halls of fame as we can.  So here is my trip down memory lane with my own hall of fame in honor of 56 years tomorrow and 14 since the world changed on 911. Thanks Kathye M. Hunt for the challenging idea. And here’s to you, Cam – always one of my heroes and a true pal.

Here is what I came up with from my earliest memories to now:

    • My parents – Rex & Nancy Moses, who are my role models In every way. I am so blessed to have been put in their family.  Additionally, my dad who bored me into Jr High ministry!
    • Jim Mohler – my best friend and husband!
    • My siblings: Martha, Jonathan & David and their families
    • There are several who I think of in my early life at first Baptist Woodland Hills who shaped me spiritually: Mrs. McMullin, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Winkler, and Karen Swan. Pastors: The Yeatmans, Diltz Cowles, who baptized me, T. Arthur Smith.
    • The Mittels, especially Julie who has been my lifelong confidante and her mother, Pat.
    • People from Harbor Trinity, especially Jerry & Norma Martin, my mentors and youth pastors, the Francis’, Pat Mills & Linda Ashleigh, the Janess’;  Mrs. Waddell and Mrs Zilkow, who mentored and faithfully prayed for me
    • From Downey First Baptist: Dennie & Diana Clemetson, HLA, the Degraffts, Buck & Georgia Lee Rarick, Colleen Edmondson, John and Val Higman. Steve and Linda Beal.
    • From High School:  Campus Life leaders Judy Lindsey & Thom Fuller, my best friend, Marji Thomsen
    • The Hastings family – lifelong family friends who gave up comfort for the mission field
    • From Scottsdale 1st Baptist: my pastor who pushed me to get ordained Bob & Dianne Brouwer, the Shepherd/Tuten Clan, Mark Zeeman, Bob & Carmen Trust, The Benzings, etc.
    • From Biola: Dr Mitchell, Dr Kirk, Bob Radcliffe, Mr Lutke, Charlie Bradshaw, Marlene LeFever
    • From IL: Mike Woodruff my pastor,  the Kohls, Ruth and Mark Senter, Kent & Barbara Hughes, the Triggs
    • From Trinity:Jana Sundene, Jon & Pam Lunde, Linda Cannell. Mark Senter, Karen & Paul Wrobbel
    • Currently: Jon & Jacque Coulombe, Connie Hutchinson, Scott Belon, Steve & Debbie Osborn.
    • People I have never met but have shaped my spiritual lives with their speaking, written words and music: Keith Green/Billy Graham/Hannah Hurnard/ Corrie Ten Boom/ the Ecuador 5/CS Lewis/Ann Kiemel/ the Briscoes/ Michael W. Smith & Amy Grant
    • Ken Poure, at Hume Lake, 1976 who gave the message that challenged me to serve the Lord full-time
    • The team at Mt Hermon, Redwood Camp, summer of 1979.
    • Marianne Freilich, friend from Forest Home who I always wanted to be just like (once she got rid of the ringlets)

This is not all- inclusive, nor is it in any order, and I have many more that have impacted me with your friendship, your integrity and your love for my husband and my children as well as myself.  I am most blessed.

Who is in your Hall of Faith?