Habits make the person
Charles Spurgeon The most important daily habit we can possess is to remind ourselves of the gospel. I believe that what we do shapes who we become. I want the habits that I live have become some of the words that now define my character. Becoming excellent at anything is a result of cultivating the…
More than we can ask or think
“Always more” is a phrase I learned from a Christian blogger and it has become something I think of all the time. It is based on Eph. 3:20 which says, Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work with…
Church Families #20
My parents are not from California and so when we migrated west we were far away from people who shared our DNA. We did maintain relationships with our southern roots and our family on the east coast as we made regular treks to visit them (the added bonus was learning about the country by traveling…
Family Friday #18 Bloom where you are planted
I am “home” but I don’t feel home really. I am sure it has to do with the perpetual state of couch surfing without a space to call my own. I don’t have access to my stuff and no privacy really. This is not a complaint – just an observation. And yet I continue to…
Family Fridays #16 & 17
I was in Europe for April 26 & May 3 This is what I wrote in my journal April 26 – I see people traveling as couples and families, people of all ages and nationalities. I hear a variety of languages and many types of bags, jackets and modes of transportation. I wonder what drew…
To Vent or Not to Vent
So, I think I have crossed the line from venting to complaining! Why else would I be processing which I am doing? I think there is an internal gauge that knows the difference between sharing frustration and being mad about or at that situation/person. Perhaps it is human nature to see things from a selfish…
Family Friday #12: Holy Friday
Every Good Friday I am reminded of 2 sermons – one by Dr. Bob Brouwer on Judas and one by Dr. Tony Campolo on the Eternal Now. I cannot begin to summarize the totality of these sermons in one post but I will say that they were significant enough in my growing faith that their…
He promises to always make a way!
Once again I am humbled by the reality that God. Loves. Me. No. Matter. What. There are daily reminders of how steadfast the promises of God are and that He will always provide a way. Last month I could not see how I would get it all packed up nor how I would ever be…
My Forever Home
Fifty five years ago today I answered the door to find my dad standing there as part of the visitation team from our little church in Southern California. He came in, of course, and told me he knew I had some questions about church membership. The day before I had checked the box declaring I…
Big Brother is Watching you!
George Orwell coined the phrase “Big Brother is watching you” in his classic novel 1984. The concept is that we are being surveilled constantly by some distant authority figure. It is a creepy idea to consider that some person or government would be invading the privacy of its citizens and controlling others, even passively just…