More than we can ask or think

May 31, 2024 0 By Mirm

“Always more” is a phrase I learned from a Christian blogger and it has become something I think of all the time. It is based on Eph. 3:20 which says,

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work with in us.

The phrase is a good way to carry ourselves through life. It is a reminder that God always loves us more. He is always more than enough. And I can always believe in the more that lies within me through Christ. It is a mantra to pursue more, to give more, to pray more, to laugh more knowing that I cannot out give God and that He is more than enough. It means there is always more I can do because He will continue to always give me more than what I need. Someday I want to be able to say I that I used everything He has given me.
In the movie Tangled Mother Gothel has an interchange with Rapunzel and says she loves her most. This is ridiculous on many levels because measurement of love is not quantifiable like that. When I say I love you more I do not mean that I love you more than you love me. The measurement of love is not really best measured that way.  And in fact, the only one who loves completely, perfectly and beyond measure is the One who is love. God. Humans fall short every time. When I say I love you more I mean that I love you more than any distance between us physically or otherwise. I love you more than any disagreements or hardships we face. I love you more than I did yesterday as love grows over time. I love you more than words can say, more than I often show and until the end. Love never fails.
Even though there are always more bills, more stresses, more disappointments, et al. there is always more comfort, more hope and more faith. I am not meaning to be trite but there is a sense that God always gives more ways to look at the situation if we let Him.
When we love we reflect a God who loves. His love covers a multitude of sins. His love is patient and kind. His love is never selfish. His love always hopes.  There is no greater love than when Jesus laid down his life for us.  And because of this great love we have more than we can ever measure. Always more.