Category: Encouragement

Rereading my favorite book

I regularly reread the allegory Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. I first encountered it when I was a teen through the mom one of my besties (Thank you Marianne Freilich and Elaine Wood!). It is the story of little Much-Afraid and her journey to join the Great Shepherd in the High Places…

By Mirm November 25, 2020 0

KAW – A Grateful Heart

My mom has 2 sisters – one older and one younger. Yesterday (9/9/20) Katherine, the younger one, passed away in Rhode Island at the age of 81. She was a mom to my 3 beautiful cousins, a grandmother to John and Eva, a friend, an army nurse, a cancer survivor, a therapist, a shop owner,…

By Mirm September 10, 2020 4

People I once knew

I read that someone died today. I once knew him. I read that someone was born today. I knew his parents once. The beauty of facebook is that it keeps us connected to people that we once knew and spent time with. It calls us back to a time in our lives when that friendship…

By Mirm June 23, 2020 0

Staff Words

Every day during this pandemic the staff are taking turns writing a thought or word of encouragement. I was on tap for today When the foundations crumble, what can the righteous do? Ps. 11:3 At the beginning of this year I had not really heard of the corona virus, Wuhan or Dr. Fauci. I never…

By Mirm April 6, 2020 0

On Hold

So the other day I called my phone company to add a personal hotspot to one of the lines on my plan. I was on hold for over 2 hours so eventually the soothing music was not so soothing and I was worried that I would be cut off and have to start over. It…

By Mirm April 1, 2020 0

Boring is a bad word

Are you bored? Is sheltering at home driving you crazy? Have you binged watched until you want to puke? Have you cleaned and purged every corner of your living space? I have heard that word more in the last few weeks than I have in quite awhile so I felt compelled to share my views.…

By Mirm March 26, 2020 0

Running to Win

Today, I watched my son run a race; actually he and 8 friends ran a marathon (26.2 miles). I am proud of them all for finishing! I personally hate to run. I cannot imagine doing that for 4-6 minutes, let alone 4-6 hours! I often wish I had that kind of drive and commitment, but…

By Mirm February 2, 2020 0

Remember 2019

The heart of thankfulness is about remembering. So this season for my annual gratitude list, I will share a few things that I never want to forget. 11/1 Ps. 105:5 says to remember the wonderful works God has done. There is no way I could list them all, but today I am grateful for the…

By Mirm November 28, 2019 0