A Graduation Blessing
Emily’s Senior class at church had a banquet to honor the graduates tonight. The parents were asked to write a blessing to share with their student. Here is the one I read to Emily.
Dear Emily,
I am so grateful to be your mom. I used to say it was the hardest thing I have ever done. But now I have done something harder (helping your dad walk into eternity). But raising you has definitely been a great adventure. I am so proud of you: your gifts, your talents, your heart. You are not merely pretty; you are pretty amazing, pretty smart, pretty creative, pretty talented, pretty silly, pretty fun. As you head into adulthood and college, this is my blessing for you.
May you gain much more than the “freshman 15”, but not in pounds, but rather in knowledge and friends.
May your jamba juice always overflow.
May you and Clayton always be friends with each other and me, since you two will decide my retirement home!
May all your songs be sung in tune and for the glory of the King. May all your art reflect the One who gave you the gift.
May you greet each day with eagerness and sleep each night with peace of mind. BUT May you always have a roommate or an alarm clock that succeeds in waking you up!
May the upbringing by 2 youth pastors. who kept crazy hours and raised you on that time clock help you as you enter the crazy time warp of the college student.
May the only therapy you ever need be inexpensive and as simple as a hug or an encouraging word.
May you always have friends who will carry your stretcher to the One who can meet your needs when you can’t get there on your own.
May you never suffer from joke remorse or any other poor choice of words. May all your words be sweet since you may have to eat them someday.
May God bless you with an amazing ability to focus on academic pursuits and help you concentrate in the extremely distracting and fun world of the college campus.
May God bless you with more strong women like Carly and Lauren, who you know have got your back and who challenge you to keep moving forward.
May you always have a childlike faith full of wonder and amazing grace. BUT at the same time may you grow into a mature fully devoted follower of Christ.
May you always have a red Bible because every Bible should be read!
May you always have your Father’s eyes, but not need glasses. May God bless you with memories of your dad that don’t fade and that inspire you and motivate you to always try your best and never give up.
May God bless you with enthusiasm and joy to be a refreshing way of knowing Him, to share a winsome faith everywhere life takes you.
May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe you can make a difference in the world and enough creativity to live dangerously in making God’s plan for you a reality.
May God bless you with enough tears and trials to keep you leaning hard into Him, clinging to the strength and hope that comes only from Him.
May you have joy with just enough discomfort so will appreciate the joy, grateful and content.
May God prosper you but give you just enough struggle to make you responsible and generous.
May God give you Shalom – His peace – but not enough to make you complacent.
Emily, always embrace the life He’s given you. Your life doesn’t need to make a statement. that would be inadequate. Instead, your life should tell a story of grace and hope. Always seek His face. Always hope. Always dream big. I hope you will run risks. take chances. Live intentionally. Hold your friends tightly and your stuff loosely. Keep a pure heart and an open mind. Play hard. Work hard. Pray always. Serve often. Laugh kindly. Love intensely. Forgive. Go deep.
I love you Emily. You are amazing and you have changed my life.
As we say every time someone leaves home: Go with God…. (your response: because God always goes with me).
…that’s our girl…a beauty inside and out. Love you Em…
What a beauty she is … she just shines!
Thanks for sharing!