Life as a Thank you – 4

January 25, 2016 0 By Mirm

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Dear Jerry,

I decided to write an old-school note of gratitude each week in 2016.  I was thinking about you in light of your birthday and so here we go:

Some people are strategically placed in someone else’s life, like parents. You are one of those people that God put in my life who rose to the occasion and answered God, and I am a life who was changed.

I am grateful to you Jerry for living life authentically before me for over 40 years.  I am who I am today because you believed in me, trained and challenged me, loved me, and prayed for me. Thank you for modeling a life of a follower of Jesus. Your impact on my life includes (list is not exhaustive or in order):

I take pictures because you took such good ones. It was inspiring.

I listened to Christian “rock” music and learned to play the guitar because we needed one when we went with YUGO

I even played volleyball and ate pizza all the time though I didn’t care for either because I was “all in” with whatever you planned!

You used to plan Easter Sunrise services and it became a huge priority in my own ministry with students.

I was rescued by you in my relationship with my mom.  Thank you for helping a “know-it-all” ungrateful teen to learn to value and respect her mom.

I memorized Scripture because of you taught us the importance of knowing and hiding God’s Word in my heart.  Your own value on the Word came through in all you said and did.

I heard and responded to God’s call to full-time ministry on my life because you helped me learn how to listen to His voice and Spirit.

Thank you for marrying me and for the value and love you showed to Jim over the years. When I wondered if we were going to make it, you and Norma spoke into our relationship with words and actions and I stayed happily married. Further, I always looked to Norma as to how to be a pastor’s wife.

I love you Jerry and Norma and I thank God for you all the time!

May God continue to bless and use you for His glory all the days of your life.