Break up Fallow Ground

May 26, 2016 0 By Mirm

Sow righteousness for yourselves,
reap the fruit of unfailing love,
and break up your unplowed ground;
for it is time to seek the Lord,
until he comes
and showers his righteousness on you. Hosea 10:12

I am not a gardener. But I am glad to sit in a garden or stroll through a well manicured yard or park. I find it soothing to watch someone mow a lawn or trim; its rhythm is hypnotic. In this passage it seems that we are called to be gardeners of the soul. At least we are called to do some planting and loosen the fallow soil. I guess I would rather let God tend to my heart and yet in order for Him to grow anything I need to allow Him to have access and free reign. Further, I am expected to plant seeds of kindness, gratitude, hope and love. Anything else will yield weeds.

Dear Lord,

Please help me to be willing to sow seeds that will create a garden worth watering with your rightesousness. Please help me to be willing to break up my fallow soil and kill all the weeds that threaten to take over.
