National Days
Today is one of my Favorites – National S’mores Day!
Once, when we were on a camping trip with students, someone forgot to bring the graham crackers and all we had for the s’mores was double stuff Oreos. That was the beginning of a creative love affair with that snack!
I don’t remember when I started thinking about such things but it was early on in my adult life. Then when I had kids, it became a big deal to me to find fun ways to celebrate life, especially when we lived so far from family.
Recently someone asked Clayton if life was always like that growing up- the special dates and celebrations – and he shook his head no! At first I was disheartened, but the more I thought about it, the special days were so often and “common” that he probably never even noticed that they were not “normal” for other families! Then I thought about all the dates that he remembers such as birthdays and realized that he really does notice the days.
One of the hardest things about empty nesting for me is that the traditions and the fun celebrations of everyday life as a family are pretty much all done. That is as it should be as my kids create their own traditions in their grown up lives. I suppose if Jim was still alive, he and I would still have some that we established early on in our relationship. Those were the days!