Counting on Earth

June 14, 2017 0 By Mirm

Counting to 10 using the Earth

1 earth – only 1

2 poles – only 2  (north & south) // 2 tropics  – Cancer & Capricorn

3 climate zones – only 3 (Polar. Temperate. Tropical)

4 hemispheres and 4 winds – only 4

5 oceans – only 5. (Arctic, Southern, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian)

6 atmospheric layers – only 6 (Troposphere. Stratosphere. Mesosphere. Thermosphere. Ionosphere. Exosphere.)

7 continents – only 7 (Asia, Africa, Australia, North America. South America. Europe. Antarctica)

8 planets – only 8 (Mercury. Venus. Earth. Mars. Saturn. Jupiter. Neptune. Uranus. )

9 peoples – only 9 (micronesian. melanesian. african. indic. australian. polynesian. american indian. asiatic. european)

10 cloud types – only 10 (cirrus – cirrocumulus – cirrostratus – altostratus – altocumulus – nimbostratus – cumulus – stratus – comulonimbus – stratocumulus)