Joy is not afraid of the Truth
The brief and frequent glimpses of happiness and joy I have tell me that I am loved. That there is something to why I am. This life is short and the next one is not. This life is hard and messy but it is also good and filled with hope. The harsh reality is that in spite of the hurts and all the pain, God is still good. He is joyful. I know the Truth. His name is Jesus. He came to fill us with unquenchable joy. The truth is that for the joy set before Him, He endured the worst pain – without regret.
Sometimes God is not what I wish He was. He does not always seem to hear me or respond the way I want Him to. At the same time I am glad He is not as small or containable as I would imagine Him to be. Thankfully, He is infinitely more. I think it is easier to live without imagination. It is better to just live in the moment. To be an existentialist. It is hard to look forward because it is completely beyond my control. And yet I am made in the image of the Creator which is unbelievable and overwhelming at the same time. He created me to imagine that life is meant to be more…one day it will be.
I know that eventually my parents will die. I don’t like to look forward to that but whether or not I pay attention, it will happen. My dad is ready. He has run the race. He continues to fade from this world but joyfully He was made for more. He was made for eternity. We all wait in the land of the dying for the real life to come. It is never a good time. One day time will be no more. I long for that day.