Life is not fair
“That’s not Fair!” is not an uncommon phrase in the English language. It is an often repeated sentiment that starts being used from the minute a sibling is born. And it is a feeling that is honed and perfected over a lifetime. And yet, why do we think life should be fair? Why do we…
More than we can ask or think
“Always more” is a phrase I learned from a Christian blogger and it has become something I think of all the time. It is based on Eph. 3:20 which says, Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work with…
Big Brother is Watching you!
George Orwell coined the phrase “Big Brother is watching you” in his classic novel 1984. The concept is that we are being surveilled constantly by some distant authority figure. It is a creepy idea to consider that some person or government would be invading the privacy of its citizens and controlling others, even passively just…
The myth of the past
Looking forward rather than backward is “advent”, It is looking for what is coming, anticipating arrival- not retracing our steps! As a kid I celebrated the expectant coming of Christ with eager anticipation (well, at least for the gifts that accompanied the arrival). And yet He had already come some 2000 years ago! We retrace…
I have been worried about losing my job for years. It is often an irrational fear with underlying roots in unworthiness and lack of confidence, but now it is more than a fear. It is more likely than it has been and my boss basically asked for volunteers today as the budget shortfall is $1.5…
It’s OK but it may not get better
I think it is important to acknowledge all the feelings and painful truths we live with day in and day out. While I know empirically that everything will eventually be okay and I know that it is alright to be in the thick of it all with the hope of relief, it all can get…
I am quite humbled and enthralled by the singer who got the golden buzzer on America’s Got Talent. Her name is Jane but she goes by the name Nightbirde. Wow! Not only does she have a good voice, but she has a perspective that is extraordinary. I want to be like her, reflecting the Lord’s…
So one more word that keeps bouncing around in my head is resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from trials; it is the response to tragedy and crises that allows one to move on despite the loss or trauma. Being resilient to me means I have the ability to suffer greatly without giving…
Share Hope – it’s a Weapon!
This is something I wrote awhile ago and tweaked it last week as I thought about this current crisis. Keep your hope in the battle. President Trump said that we are at war with this pandemic. Since we are at war, I am reminded once again that, in addition to hand washing and human separation, hope…
Harvesting Hope!
I was thinking of the expression, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” and while I understand the point of this proverb, I must say I rather like lemons. Perhaps the saying really should read (for me anyway) – When life gives you manure, grow a garden. I say this because what we have been…