Category: Connor & Emily

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Dear Connor and Emily, The Lord intended for us to remember! He set up holidays and celebrations to become traditions because he knows how forgetful we are. Even the 5th commandment to remember the Sabbath is an opportunity, not for us to amuse (which literally means to not ponder) ourselves but to refresh and restore…

By Mirm April 11, 2017 0

One Year Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary! April 11, 2016 One year later! It’s crazy how marriage has the propensity to set the course of your life. Even when circumstances are filled with trouble and weakness, marriage provides the strength to face the worst, while holding hands with the best. You two have one year under your belt. Many people…

By Mirm April 11, 2016 2

Wedding Words

Some random wedding pics from facebook! Because people asked I said I would post what I said at the reception…Others said much more meaningful things but I did not ask them permission to post them here.  Here is the speech I gave at the reception because Jim opted out! Why didn’t we tape any of…

By Mirm April 12, 2015 1

Rehearsal Dinner Advice

Last night at the rehearsal dinner we were asked to give you advice or helpful words to get started on your married life.  You won’t remember much of what we said but my best advice is to become the person you want to be married to.  The rest are just some of my hurried thoughts:…

By Mirm April 10, 2015 0

It is Wedding week!

Dear Jim, It is Easter.  ( And it would have been your dad’s 90th birthday!). It is funny that this most important holiday is a bit overshadowed by Emily’s wedding, which is only a week away! The walk to the cross felt like a brief intermission to the “big event” of Emily and Connor’s Wedding.…

By Mirm April 5, 2015 9

6 months!

I only have 6 months left with Emily!  I am so excited for her and yet I am so sad that it has gone so fast. There is still so much I want to do as a family.  We have not checked everything off the family bucket list. Well, I am still hopeful that we…

By Mirm October 11, 2014 0