Category: Family

Fullerton Rangers and Fullerton High Varsity soccer

Clayton is loving soccer!  We spent Thanksgiving weekend in Las Vegas for a Soccer tournament and now the school season has begun! Clayton’s club team remains undefeated in back to back seasons and last night the FUHS Varsity won the Brea Soccer Tournament!  I am definitely a soccer mom! I am so loving it!  Jim…

By Mirm December 10, 2011 2

The ABC’s of Jim Mohler

In Honor of the Anniversary of Jim’s Birth  11/8/55 Amusing* Brilliant *Creative* Dad *Encourager* Faithful *Godly* Husband* Integrity* Jazzy *Kite flyer* Lover *Magical* N-tertainer* Original* Puppeteer *Quest for Christlikeness* Rhythmic *Strong Leader *Teacher* Unique *Valiant *Wise* Xtra- Smart *Youthworker *Zany

By Mirm November 8, 2011 1

Further Up and Further In

One year ago today Jesus carried Jim to heaven!  Today I know he is continuing to move “further up and further in” and for Jim the real adventures are just beginning!  We too are moving further up and further into our grief. I guess enough people told me that the first year would be the…

By Mirm November 5, 2011 1

Jim’s One Year “Going Home” Anniversary

Hey Everyone!  In case you are out of the loop….Or don’t have access to Facebook :  I wanted to invite you to : Jim’s One Year “Going Home” Anniversary Saturday, November 5  6:00pm – 9:00pm Huntington State Beach, CA near Magnolia This is a Save-the-Date notice! Bring your dinner or the fix-ins to cook over…

By Mirm October 11, 2011 1

Eleven in Heaven

Today Jim has been in heaven for 11 months, but I know it only counts on this side of it for those of is who are waiting (to finally enter Narnia)! I think of the 4th verse of the hymn Amazing Grace: “When we’ve been there 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun, we’ve no…

By Mirm October 5, 2011 2

Letters from heaven!

I am still processing what I think about what I am about to share, but I know God orchestrates things for us beyond what we can imagine.  This week I was especially sad.  And that is okay…even expected.  But here is what happened.  Other people let me know of their own sadness, of “Jim-sightings” ,…

By Mirm September 22, 2011 1

In-Ten-se Emotions!

10 months ago Jim left planet earth, at least physically. So much of him remains by virtue of his memory and ministry and the mark he left. I dreamt about him all night – funny stuff  – both humorous and randomly odd! I woke up missing him more than ever! There have been way too…

By Mirm September 5, 2011 1

Launching my First born!

Perhaps this is too personal to put on this blog. It is the letter I wrote to Emily this evening. It sort of captures some of the feelings I am experiencing as she moves to Biola to start her college experience tomorrow. Dear Emily Ruth, I am sitting here listening to you laugh and sing…

By Mirm August 18, 2011 1


Most of you know I recently went to Florida and Alabama, while my kids were in Chicago, for a much needed visit with my relatives. It was fantabulous! Highlights include parasailing with my Aunt Crystal, a fresh shrimp boil, trying alligator (tastes like chicken), a free t-shirt (and food) from Milos, Tortugas pizza (best in…

By Mirm July 27, 2011 1