Thank You Jordan
One of the regular and super icky parts of my jobs is the turn-over of leaders. I have worked here for 10 years and off the top of my head I counted 42 + people who have left staff from just Students & Kids department team! So, I form friendships. I do my best to…
Work Anniversary
We used to say we worked in decades. We spent 10 years in Downey, Scottsdale and Illinois. Now I have spent 10 years on staff in Fullerton. The church has changed its name and pastors more than once during that time. I have changed offices, job responsibilities, had a ridiculous number of “bosses” and said…
The Big Goodbye
There has been a “mass exodus” at work lately. I am not sure that it is over and I wonder who is next. This is a letter that sums up my recent response to my former colleagues -(DC JK JS KS BS CK CV) Here’s the thing, and it is not a hidden or new…
Thanksgiving Prompts 2021
Gratitude is a choice. Being thankful takes discipline. Since we were married 41 years ago we intentionally set aside the month of November to practice aloud counting our blessings. Still thankful. Still choosing. Still counting. This year I am answering self-written prompts to think afresh of the things for which I am thankful. Please feel…
Moments for a lifetime
Dear Kelsey, I didn’t think I would be writing this farewell again so soon, but life happens differently than we expect and God has called you away from Fullerton Free Staff. In one sense, I could say the same things as I did 4 years ago all over again and it would still apply (see…
Dave’s Life in Sports
Dave, Thank you for the book! It was an honor to be included among the recipients. I loved hearing about it and reading it through over the phone with C., but then to get a copy of my own was really special. She sure does love you and I am sure you are grateful for…
Thanks to a superhero
Dear Nikki – a champion for kids ministry – Winnie the Pooh told his friends, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” I agree with Winnie the Pooh. Saying goodbye is never easy when you have developed such a love and concern for the people to whom you are…
A life full of rainbow sprinkles
Lauren When I think of you I think of total organized chaos – a hot mess (in a good way) – kind of life that is ripped at the edges and colorfully spray painted with African rhythm in the background . There are purses and shoes that always fit and carry all the things. You…
Moving on.
Dear Christina, I remember when I first met you. You were a friend of Kelsey’s and you were willing to give up a week to help her as she led a mission trip with students. You were beautiful with kind eyes and an inviting smile. Since that time I have come to know you in…
Gratitude 2018
Day 1 Nov. 1 – Every year I challenge myself with the discipline of thanksgiving and gratitude. So here I go:The Bread of Life thanked God for food. (Mt. 15:36, 37) I too am grateful for enough food to eat everyday. Day 2 Nov. 2 Jesus gave thanks for a God who listens. I too…