It depends on how you look at it
Today I am thinking about perspective. Perhaps it is because of all the tragedy around me, around the world. Perhaps it is because I have stuff, relationships and a job. Perhaps it is because I am so tired of the consumer mentality in my own life. And perhaps it is because as I get older…
Lacey’s Benediction
Dear Lacey. So every year I have someone to say goodbye to here on staff. I hate that! But it is what it is and I have learned how to say “goodbye “while looking forward to the day when there are no more goodbyes! I remember when I first met you. I actually heard you…
ABC’s of Gratitude
Every year of our married life Jim and I had the discipline of writing down the things we are thankful for every November. Since meeting with Colleen for the past few months I decided to commit to memory her Alphabet list of Bible Verses this month. I did adapt a few of the verses from…
Moving – Friends – Grateful
Today as I write this I am in the middle of a move, which I feel like I have been in the middle of for 3 or more months. Every 10 years or so in our married life we have moved. This is 10.5 but it still fits in the rhythm. For me, I think…
Life as Thank You 55
Laureen, In honor of your birthday last week and as a gift to one of my favorite gifts, I thought I would tell you how thankful I am for you. We have been sisters now for over 36 years. I am grateful for our relationship that has been an encouragement for most of my life.…
Life as Thank You 54
Sarah Noelle. It is your birthday this week! And I wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you are my niece. I am so proud of you; you are smart and talented and genuine. Even more than that I am grateful that you have chosen to lean into God every day and are…
Life as Thank You 53
Wil & Lorraine – This year I made the commitment to write weekly thank you notes to let people know how grateful I am that they are in my life. I decided to write to the 2 of you together, because almost everything comes out with your names hyphenated together. I know the danger in…
Life as Thank You 52
Dear Bible Study/ Supper Club friends, This year I am sending thank you notes to let people know how grateful I am for them. How can I possibly thank you enough for a lifetime of accountability and friendship? I am so blessed by each of you and I am humbled to have had the opportunity…
Life as Thank You 51
Dear Brian and Susan, Sometimes I am overwhelmed by God’s grace and goodness in my life. This is one of those moments as I reflect on you both and your role in my life. I am working on increasing gratitude in my life and one of the ways I am doing so is writing old-fashioned…
November Gratitude Stone 30 life tomorrow
Psalm 22:3 God inhabits the praises of His people Ps. 16:11 You make known to me the path of life: in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Prov. 118:24 The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. Prov 17:22 A…