Category: Encouragement

Never a Shadow

Today is Ground Hog Day. It is also Tim Hummel’s Birthday and the Appleton’s Anniversary. Emily Beth Elwood was born this morning, And on the high church calendar it is Candlemas Day. Most of the time Punxatawny Phil is wrong in his prediction about the weather and the seasons changing. But I had a thought…

By Mirm February 2, 2019 0

New Year New Choices

I must say that last year I was very successful at meeting my resolution, which was to not make any resolutions! LOL This year however is different. There are only 250 days or so until I hit a big birthday and I feel like I have some things to address as I say goodbye to…

By Mirm January 6, 2019 0

Moving on.

Dear Christina, I remember when I first met you. You were a friend of Kelsey’s and you were willing to give up a week to help her as she led a mission trip with students. You were beautiful with kind eyes and an inviting smile. Since that time I have come to know you in…

By Mirm December 21, 2018 0

Gratitude 2018

Day 1 Nov. 1 – Every year I challenge myself with the discipline of thanksgiving and gratitude. So here I go:The Bread of Life thanked God for food. (Mt. 15:36, 37) I too am grateful for enough food to eat everyday. Day 2 Nov. 2 Jesus gave thanks for a God who listens. I too…

By Mirm November 25, 2018 0

It depends on how you look at it

Today I am thinking about perspective. Perhaps it is because of all the tragedy around me, around the world. Perhaps it is because I have stuff, relationships and a job. Perhaps it is because I am so tired of the consumer mentality in my own life. And perhaps it is because as I get older…

By Mirm November 20, 2018 0

Lacey’s Benediction

Dear Lacey. So every year I have someone to say goodbye to here on staff. I hate that! But it is what it is and I have learned how to say “goodbye “while looking forward to the day when there are no more goodbyes! I remember when I first met you. I actually heard you…

By Mirm August 20, 2018 0

The Fairy Tale called Marriage

This is part of the devotional I shared at Lacey’s Bridal shower on Aug. 19 There seem to be 2 kinds of people in the world – people who love fairy tales and who love happy endings and people who can’t stand them! The people in the latter group feel that fairy tales are fake…

By Mirm August 20, 2018 0