One Day
“Write on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” R. W. Emerson What a difference a day makes. It may not seem like a very big deal but today is a new year. A new beginning for some. A fresh start. For me, I usually start my “new year” at…
Advances in Treatment
Not often, but once in awhile after seeing an ad on TV or hearing of another person with the dreaded disease, I wonder what would have happened if Jim had gotten GBM4 today versus 14 years ago. The majority of brain cancers are highly invasive and rarely spreads to other parts of the body beyond…
Never in my Wildest Dreams #36
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined my life. I could not have predicted most of it! Of course I had dreams and imagined all kids of scenarios – who didn’t!? Of course there are parts that are better than I imagined and things that are worse. Of course there are regrets and…
Life in a Bubble
I have become aware of something weird. I am not sure of the relationship between being a housed homeless person and my current perspective and perception of my life. But it feels a bit like Rip van Winkle who slept for 40 years and woke up and life was so different. I think I have…
Happy New School Year #35
It is almost “New Year’s” – for me September and back-to-school has always felt more like a new year than January 1st. January just feels like an extension of the Christmas holidays, but clean-up mode. We used to get new clothes, notebooks, shoes, and similar paraphernalia. Everything was clean and crisp. It was a chance…
Writer’s block
Sometimes people read the things I write and say I should publish a book, but most of my posts go unread or very lightly skimmed and there are no comments. I must say I have no idea what I would write about for a whole book. I used to think of ideas and collaborations with…
Ice Cream #30
Two days ago I took my mom to Baskin Robbins 31 flavors because treats are 31% off on the thirty-first of each month.* My mom usually buys 5 or 6 scoops to carry her through to the next month that ends with 31 days. That brings me to thinking about ice cream and life! I…
Brain Farts and Flatlining
Warning – Rant below – I used to be rather skilled at creative problem solving and brainstorming. I found it invigorating and I was often asked to stop giving ideas after awhile because I was so practiced in it that once on a roll it was easy to keep going. I was part of a…
Dress Up #21
I went to a performance tonight put on by No Limits, which is a learning center in Brea for developmentally disabled adults. My sweet Julie H was performing. She opened the night with prayer. I am so humbled by her faith and her prayer life. The performance was great and you can watch it here…
To Vent or Not to Vent
So, I think I have crossed the line from venting to complaining! Why else would I be processing which I am doing? I think there is an internal gauge that knows the difference between sharing frustration and being mad about or at that situation/person. Perhaps it is human nature to see things from a selfish…