There is a time for everything!
Today on my calendar is the birthday of my friend Lorraine who I have not seen in a “long” time. I imagine that if we got together, we would pick back up in the middle of a conversation like no time had passed and we would not stop talking until we fell asleep mid-sentence. I…
Sweet Home Alabama
Today I am in Alabama. The weather is lovely, but cooler than normal due to Hurricane Helene. My cousin Brian and I are turning 65 so we celebrated with pedicures and steak dinner. I wish everyone could see the Alabama I see. It is much nicer than the reputation Alabama carries. When I said I…
What’s so magical about 65?
What is old age? When does it start? 90 years ago FDR decided it was to be 65. The thing is that I think old age is just ahead of whatever age you are. I also think that it is somewhat an attitude or an outlook. I know some people in their 90’s and they…
A new Perspective on Old Age
In last week’s news it was discovered that people do not age gradually. There is a big jump at 44 and another at age 60. So I guess that in anticipation of this “big” event on Thursday, the next number is over rated and I have been on the downhill slide for 5 years! Who…
Never in my Wildest Dreams #36
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined my life. I could not have predicted most of it! Of course I had dreams and imagined all kids of scenarios – who didn’t!? Of course there are parts that are better than I imagined and things that are worse. Of course there are regrets and…
32 Years of my favorite Girl
32 years ago, I met a girl. As I got to know her, I realized this was not going to be an ordinary relationship. She needed me and I needed her but for very different reasons. She needed me to feed her, clothe her, keep her safe and show her the beauty of the world…
Life in a Bubble
I have become aware of something weird. I am not sure of the relationship between being a housed homeless person and my current perspective and perception of my life. But it feels a bit like Rip van Winkle who slept for 40 years and woke up and life was so different. I think I have…
Happy New School Year #35
It is almost “New Year’s” – for me September and back-to-school has always felt more like a new year than January 1st. January just feels like an extension of the Christmas holidays, but clean-up mode. We used to get new clothes, notebooks, shoes, and similar paraphernalia. Everything was clean and crisp. It was a chance…
Past the Waves
At staff chapel this week, I was taken with the story and accompanying insights from one of my colleagues about how she loves the beach and getting in the water. She shared how refreshing it is to move past the shore break into the deeper water. She also talked about how the noise of the…
Writer’s block
Sometimes people read the things I write and say I should publish a book, but most of my posts go unread or very lightly skimmed and there are no comments. I must say I have no idea what I would write about for a whole book. I used to think of ideas and collaborations with…