Family Friday #4 Uncoupling

A number of years ago Gweneth Paltrow and Chris Martin uncoupled. Maybe it was a fancy new term for divorce and maybe it was something more. But they decided to stop being a couple still partnering in their role as parents. I need to uncouple with my place of residence and some of the items…

By Mirm January 26, 2024 0

Family Friday #2 More at the Start

I went to Biola in 1977 after I graduated from Edison High School. It was not my first choice AT ALL! A bit full of myself because of my high academic record and standing in the class I really wanted to go to UCLA and study languages. Biola didn’t have a Spanish or linguistics major…

By Mirm January 12, 2024 0

Lost things

There is a funny story about some keys that I will share but it got me thinking about the things I have lost. It has been said that the average person in America spends about 2.5 days a year looking for things misplaced, usually the remote, cell phone, shoes, glasses and keys. The amount of…

By Mirm January 9, 2024 0

The posture in 2024

We all face the same challenge to let go of what lies behind, rest in the present and trust the future to God’s good keeping. This is the posture of content obedience. It was 38 years ago this month that God told Jim and I to “Go”. We listened and obeyed. We left a great…

By Mirm January 7, 2024 0

Happy 25 Amanda

Dear Amanda, I know you’re my only daughter-in-law, but you’re still my favorite! Though you weren’t born into our family, you were born to be part of it and I feel like I got a great gift when Clayton chose you as his life partner. One quarter of a century. One fourth of “my kids”.…

By Mirm January 6, 2024 0

Famiy Friday #1 The beginning

Ok, I am not sure about this or whether or not I will keep it up but I need to build consistency into my writing times. Connor’s grandfather wrote a “memoir” through StoryWorth prompts and Emily was saying how she really wanted some more things from her dad. I don’t want to invest in another…

By Mirm January 5, 2024 0

Life in one sentence

It is the time of year where people sum up the past 365 days and look forward to the next 365.  I am not sure that I want to sum up my life in one trite or pithy expression and yet, though life is more than a motto they do serve a purpose.  Without then…

By Mirm December 31, 2023 0

Breathe Deep

Years ago, Jim and I found a band called Lost Dogs; some of the members had been part of the early Christian music movement. Their lyrics made us think and ponder anew the reality that is YHWH. This song is one of theirs that we sang with our youth groups. Verse 1: Politicians, morticians, philistines,…

By Mirm December 24, 2023 0