Category: My Children

Happy #28 Clayton

Clayton, I remember the day you were born so well. A lot of time has passed since that day and there have been many adventures and hardships inbetween, but today I celebrate the man that is you. I remember many of your birthday celebrations. Many of them included snow and even blizzard conditions (Funny how…

By Mirm March 4, 2024 0

Happy #34 Connor

Dear Connor, How is it possible that you are in your thirties? How is it possible that you have been my son-in-love for 9 years already? Time sure has gone by fast. In fact, time is like a roll of toilet paper that unrolls faster and faster the closer it gets to the end of…

By Mirm March 2, 2024 0

Happy 25 Amanda

Dear Amanda, I know you’re my only daughter-in-law, but you’re still my favorite! Though you weren’t born into our family, you were born to be part of it and I feel like I got a great gift when Clayton chose you as his life partner. One quarter of a century. One fourth of “my kids”.…

By Mirm January 6, 2024 0

A Marriage Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, We are grateful for the way your Spirit moves in our lives and directs our every step. Thank you for the ways you have created Clayton and Amanda and brought them together. Thank you for the homes they came from, the love they experienced there, the principles they were taught there, their…

By Mirm June 4, 2023 1

Amanda’s Shower Advice

Dear (Clayton &) Amanda – “What marriage advice would you share?” I always think this is a weird question because it reduces the most important relationship down to a quick response… I don’t like to give such a thin answer to such a weighty subject. Marriage is our most layered and complex of relationships and…

By Mirm April 17, 2023 0

8 Years – Happy Anniversary!

8 years is not so long but it is long enough to need to be reminded that what you signed up for was to serve each other. The best way to happiness in marriage is to keep serving the one you chose 8 years ago! Keep choosing each other. Keep choosing to invest. Choose to…

By Mirm April 11, 2023 0