Counting My Blessings 2014
Day 1 – the Atoning work of the Savior that never ceases
Day2 – Burdens shared and carried by gentle hands
Day 3 – my Community of family & friends
Day 4 – the Defeat of death by Christ
Day 5 – the promise of Eternal Life
Day 6 – Forgiveness. There is nothing else like it.
Day 7 – Grace – it may sound trite or cliche but it really is the most amazing thing and every day I am startled by it.
Day 8 – Hope and especially the hope of heaven
Day 9 – my Identity in Christ
Day 10 – Joy for the journey. I am so glad that one’s outlook is a choice and not based on personal circumstances. Surely you have granted [me] unending blessings and made [me] glad with the Joy of your presence. Ps 21:6
Day 11 – so many acts of Kindness on my behalf
Day 12 – Love so amazing, unconditional, never-ending and personal.
Day 13 – living under the Mercy blesses me everyday.
Day 14 – those who have Nurtured me.
Day 15 – Often.
Day 16 – Prayers uttered and answered bless my life. #talkingtoGod
Day 17 – Space and time for Quiet
Day 18 – Relationships that refresh. #Ministryoccursthere
Day 19 – Stories and Songs are a blessing enhanced. They are life!
Day 20 – It is a blessing to have a Thankful heart.
Day 21 – Unity is a rare blessing.
Day 22 – Vacations are a bigger blessing than I ever realized until I was unable to enjoy them (due to lack of money & time). I have had quite a few in my lifetime and cherish the memories. I love the opportunity to rest and refresh and spend good time on an adventure with friends and family.
Day 23 –Water – living and fresh. restorative and overflowing – a blessing in a dry and thirsty land.
Day 24 – The Blessing of the unknown. I am not a person who can keep a secret and I don’t really love surprises; but sometimes when I look back from where I am now to the first steps into the unknown that I took leading to an undefined ending point I am thankful for how my viewpoints have changed, how God helped me each one of those steps and how things look from where I am now. #learningtolean
Day 25 – You (whoever reads this) are one of the best blessings I have. Thank you!
Day 26 -Another name for heaven is Zion. I can’t wait for the blessing that never ends!
Day 27 – the blessing of enough.
Day 28 – the blessing of time. Time to rest. time with family. time to gain perspective. time as margin. There is a time for everything under heaven
day 29 – the blessing of my parents (57 years today)
day 30- The blessing of advent…God came into the world…into my life
Gee…for Day 3, I thought your “C” would be “Cam”